About Amanda Rakel
I originally started this blog in 2018 but only posted sporadically until 2021, then I shut down the blog. Struggling to find a job, I was "advised" to remove my blog from my CV as well as my music as it would supposedly hinder me in landing a gig. But I realise now that my greatest pleasure in life is getting to self-express through writing and suppressing a natural urge to share my thoughts in written form, didn't feel right anymore. So after being dormant for two years, I'm relaunching the blog!
I think the way we go through life is fascinating, and that's primarily what my posts will be about: how I handle life, so that hopefully those of you who can't self-express, can find some connection.
Fun facts:
Nationality: Danish (passport, grew up in a Danish speaking household)
Born in: Germany
Mum is Danish, father is Swedish
Grew up in Switzerland
Lived in London (twice), New York (well...Staten Island) and Copenhagen (Twice)
Current location: Zurich, Switzerland
Dog: Two frenchies, Bubbles ( he's named after the Power Puff Girl) & Bailey (we adopted her, she already had her name)
Music project: Amanda Rakel
Fan of sunsets, sunrises, being in nature, Ru Paul's Drag Race, full-bodied red wines, Lindt chocolate bunnies and much much more.